Saturday, November 24, 2012


Empty kiln ready to pack with painted tiles.

 Firing completed.

Close up of pyrometric cones at completion of the firing. The cones which are viewed through a peep hole in the door of the kiln, show the actual work done at a given temperature

Friday, September 14, 2012

Letter from TripAdvisor

This was a pleasant surprise!

Sunday, August 19, 2012

August update

Good day in the gallery today despite it being August which is usually a very quiet month. And an order for tiles which will keep me busy for quite a while!

'Birds in the city'

New wall hanging by Sharron Shalekoff - tltled 'Birds in the city'

Monday, August 6, 2012

New - Wine glasses

More new stock has just arrived - red and white wine glasses with a surprise stem. Hand made from recycled glass. Come and see.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Amazing fungus

This amazing fungus was one of several I found growing in our bushland.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

New glass tile jewellery

I'm really excited about this new range of glass tile jewellery incorporating both my current and earlier tile designs. The pendants come in three sizes, small, medium and large with matching earrings. Let me know what you think.
Local artist Anna Shalekoff is making the jewellery. Her work is meticulous, complementing my designs so well. I'm thrilled how well my ceramic tile designs work at this small scale.
More designs and colour ways will gradually be added to the collection.
This will be an exclusive range, available only from the gallery or via email.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Stick Insect

This amazing stick insect remained unmoving on this stool at the gallery for several hours.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Two of my pots with daphne

These are two of my favourite pots - made many years ago now. At least I kept a few!

Thursday, May 17, 2012

My tiles as featured in Coles recipe cards

Four groups of my tiles feature in the current range of Coles recipe cards! They will appear one per week. 

Monday, May 7, 2012

Just arrived - Contemporary hand made glass jewellery by Marina and Susanna Sent

"Marina and Susanna Sent elaborate a family language in glass making, finding their own original expression in the traditional field of glass beads and jewels. The two sisters choose an exemplification of form strictly related to contemporary design in order to develop creative ideas in a synergic dialogue; each of them contribute to the definition of the project and to the production process with their individual sensibility and experience.
The poetic cascades of blown glass spheres become elegant necklaces, or glass fabrics bind together in warp and weft of inventive biomorphic pearls, and can transform in lamps refracting the light in fantastic prisms, or clear dresses created with playful irony, ambiguously impossible to wear, and therefore all the more fascinating and desirable.
The accurate investigation of the potentialities of technique and form in glass making leads Marina and Susanna Sent to attain elegant visual and sensorial combination with different materials, like wood and paper, in their search for new frontiers to express the beauty of form and the sensuality of the object." 

Click on the images to view at full size.