Sunday, May 23, 2010


Sometimes visitors to the gallery who like my tiles don't have a current use for them.
Trivets, tiled tables, framed tile prints and framed tiles are also available.

Here are three of the trivets.

Images from around the gallery

My gallery was established eighteen years ago. As well as the work shown here, one of the attractions over the years has been the presence of so many species of native bush birds. About two years ago, their numbers dropped, so much so that I thought they were gone for ever.
How wrong I was. Lately they have begun to re-appear. Most species have come back, not in the same numbers as before, but hopefully, if we keep getting rain their numbers will again increase.

I am fascinated by the engineering the ants employ as they construct their nests. Day after day their nests are built. When the rain washes their work away, they start again, and again.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

This is my logo tile

This is the tile that appears on all my printed material and as well, on the gallery road sign. It remains one of my most popular tiles.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Gallery Images

Here are some images of my gallery and some of the beautiful works displayed here. Most of the works are by leading Australian makers. As well you will find some well chosen items from far away places.

Hand painted face box

Hand painted baby Buddha - wood

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Welcome to my blog

My gallery is located at Red Hill on the Mornington Peninsula in Victoria, Australia.
I was a potter for many years prior to developing my current range of hand painted tiles.
The tile designs are based on three repeating patterns, created fundamentally with dots. When all goes well it is like a meditation, and is frequently perceived as such, especially when the tiles are viewed en masse. The work is purely decorative, creating a timeless patterning reminiscent of Persian rugs. Tiles are sold individually, and may be ordered to meet your specific needs - in any colours for use anywhere.